Paul Rutzen
- Sr. Loan Officer
- 612.670.7651
- prutzen@pricemortgage.com

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About Our Temporary Rate Buydown Calculator
Interested in knowing how a temporary rate buydown would affect your next home purchase? With our rate buydown calculator, you will be able to determine if a temporary rate buydown is the best option for your financial situation. With just a few clicks, you can input your buydown type, loan amount, interest rate, and term, and the calculator will provide you with a breakdown of your monthly payments and savings over time!
Not sure how a temporary rate buydown works? Simply put, it's a temporary reduction in your mortgage interest rate that results in lower monthly payments for the first few years of your loan. This can be a great option for homebuyers who are looking to save money in the short term or who need a little extra wiggle room in their budget during the early stages of homeownership.
Our temporary rate buydown calculator is just one example of the many resources we offer to make the mortgage process as simple and stress-free as possible. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you find the perfect mortgage solution for your needs.